Inclination (Social Media Negativity Detox)​




60 percent of people using social media reported that it has impacted their self-esteem in a negative way. It has also found that 51 percent say social media has made them feel more self-conscious about their appearance. We are so used to seeing our friends filtered lives online, we start to believe that those lives are perfect, amazing and full of talent, while ours are just good for nothing or so ordinary. This track is specially designed to deal with your such insecurities and feelings. This track uses a combination of pure 396 and 417 Hz healing frequencies with 8.4 Hz frequency in Alpha.

The frequencies and vibrations present in this track helps remove your fears, insecurities, negative beliefs/thoughts, worries, and anxieties. They also help to eliminate feelings of guilt and subconscious negative beliefs blocking the path to achieving personal goals. They make you feel more uplifted, secure, and give power to your goals and dreams.

Track Length – 25 Minutes

Equipment Required – Headphones/Earphones or Speakers(Phone or laptop speakers are too small to hear the Isochronic Tones effectively).


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