The BrainWave Academy is a research and development company founded by Melbourne-based Dr. Alan Wilson and his team with the mission to eliminate all illness and needless suffering without costing a fortune, a faithful few who works on the idea that all matter is vibrating at specific frequencies. The human body energy field plays a very important role in our health. Everything is energy, everything in our existence is connected to a field of electromagnetic vibrational frequencies. Sound healing synchronize brain waves to achieve profound states of relaxation, helping to restore the normal vibratory frequencies of the cells in our bodies. “To heal is to make the sound”.

Aims to empower our users to take control of their own health and live long, healthy, fulfilling lives with happiness and joy. Our values are love, compassion, and health.

Dr. Alan Wilson
Dr. Alan Wilson is a Naturopathic Doctor, a pianist, a composer and a professional sound healer.